Saturday, February 2, 2013

Friday check-in. One week till competition!

So I had a pretty busy week. I studied for and, on Wednesday, took a make-up final exam from last semester. Preparation took a great deal of effort, and the exam was three hours long, so at the end of the day Wednesday I was pretty exhausted, mentally and physically. I haven't been getting very high quality sleep, either. I'm still reeling from the recent, rapid decline and death of my mother from brain cancer at the age of 64. Anyways, I find solace and structure in my kettlebell workouts, so no matter how tired I am or how unmotivated I am, I always at least start the workout. And usually once I start, I can find the strength and energy to excel. This week was no different. Here is a breakdown of my workouts from the week:

Monday--This was a test day for me to see how long I could go with my competition weight. I was discouraged, but now, at the end of the week's workouts, I have a renewed sense of hope. In other words, keep reading!

Jerk 24 6 min. @ 5/6rpm tried to go for my best. Got to 5 minutes, then stopped; rested one minute, then lifted for rest one minute. 6rpm rest 1 minute, 8 additional reps
Snatch 3min./3min. 2:30/2:30 @ 14rpm 40L/40R

Rested. I was tired today, plus I have an exam coming up tomorrow for which I need to study.

Jerk 20kg 6min@8rpm--45reps/5mins, rest 3 min
OAJ 2min/2min max rpm--30L/30R, rest 10 minutes
Snatch 20kg 6 min. 14/15rpm--52L/52R rest 2minutes
Swing 24kg 40L/40R

Thursday--I was super tired going in to this workout. I put it off until about 7:30pm, and then I just said, "what the heck, here goes nothing." And I ended up putting up some of my best numbers to date!
Jerk 20kg 6min @ 9rpm -- 54 reps total
OAJ 24kg 2min/2min max rpm -- 30L/30R
Snatch 20kg 6 min. 15rpm -- 45L/45R
Swing 24kg 40L/40R

Friday--Even more tired today, but somehow I just put one foot in front of the other, walked out to my garage, and put up my PR in Jerk and Snatch. DONE.

Jerk 20kg 6min @ 10rpm -- 60 reps total
OAJ 2min/2min max rpm -- 32L/32R
Snatch 20kg 6 min. @ ~19rpm -- 56L/56R
Swing 24kg 40L/40R

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